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CarteWheels Caterers

Caterers and Bakeries

CarteWheels Caterers

Weddings are our specialty! Since 1989, discerning brides and grooms have turned to CarteWheels for all of their wedding planning needs. You want a memorable wedding celebration. With CarteWheels your wedding will be gracious, gorgeous and unique. Creative Catering for all occasions. CarteWheels Caterers excels in all areas of event execution. Owner and executive chef, Debby Stein’s 24 years experience in the catering industry is evident from the ease in which even the most challenging projects are accomplished. CarteWheels takes pride in producing tasteful artistic presentations as well as tasty culinary creations. Our goal Is to create delicious memories for you and your guests. Pleasing to the eye as well as the palate, CarteWheels takes pride in creating tasteful presentations.


416 Clay Street - Kerrville, Texas

